Executive Functioning With Asperger

These skills are usually a problem for children with Asperger’s. Executive functioning skills issues vary widely. Here are some examples of possible executive functioning problems.
•Your child may have time management struggles, from getting ready for school in an appropriate amount of time, to making realistic schedules for school assignments or household chore projects.
•Your child may find it difficult to form workable plans for short and long-term tasks. For example, writing an essay calls for a specific set of steps such as, choosing the topic, conducting the research, creating an outline, writing a rough draft, and completing the final draft. A child with poor executive function may complete the steps out of order, just to finish the assignment, not seeing the importance of the proper sequence.
•Your child may have trouble communicating, especially when it comes to giving the listener a comprehensive stream of organized details. Social skills struggles compound this problem, but executive functioning definitely plays a significant part.
•Your child may find it difficult to commit information to memory. He may be able to recall past activities or events in great detail, and then be unable to memorize and recall the multiplication facts after years of study.
•Your child may seem to lack motivation, when in reality, he struggles to start tasks or form his own ideas in a timely manner. He has the desire, but it gets lost in his lack of independent thinking.
•Your child may struggle to remember sequenced information while he is trying to use the information. For instance, repeating his social security number or an account number when asked for it can be difficult